
Heritage in Albania


Centre for Restoration of Monuments in Tirana

a cura di Donatella Fiorani e Chiara Compostella

Roma, 2011, formato cm 21×29, pag. 144, ill. a colori.
Lingue: Italiano – Inglese – Albanese

ISBN: 9788875751449
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Prefaces di Engelbert Ruoss, Aldo Sicignano, Apollon Baçe; Introduction di Alessandro Bianchi; Section 1: Aspects of Albania’s architectural heritage and proposals for its conservation: the Church of St. Mary of Vllaherna, the Church of the Holy Trinity and the Red Mosque in Berat di Donatella Fiorani: Architectural restoration in Albania: the National context and the case of Berat; The architecture of Church of St. Mary of Vllaherna, the Church of the Holy Trinity and the Red Mosque of Berat; The identity and phases of construcition of the monuments; State of conservation; Restoration project; Notes; References; Section 2: Restoration and conservation of paintings: the frescoes of Saint Nicholas Church in Berat and the icons of the National Historical Museum in Tirana di Chiara Compostella: The restoration and conservation activity on wall paintings and paintings on panel: some notes on didactic aspects; Restoration of the wall paintings in the Church of St. Nicholas (Shën Kollit), Berat; Restoration of paintings on panel from the National History Museum of Tirana; Notes; References;


Shembuj të trashëgimisë arkitektonike shqiptare dhe konservimi i saj: Përvoja në Kishat e Shën Mërisë Vllaherna, Shën Triadhës dhe Xhamisë së Kuqe në Berat di Donatella Fiorani; Shënime; Pasqyra treguese; Restaurimi dhe konservimi i pikturave: afreskat kishës së Shën Kollit në Berat dhe icona e Muzeut Historik Kombëtar në Tiranë di Chiare Compostella; Shënime; Pasqyra treguese;


Uno scenario del patrimonio architettonico albanese e della sua conservazione: l’esperienza sulle chiese di nostra Signora delle Blacherne e della Ss. Trinità e sulla Moschea Rossa a Berat di Donatella Fiorani; Note; Didascalie; Il restauro e la conservazione dei dipinti: gli affreschi della chiesa di San Nicola a Berat e le icone del Museo Storico Nazionale di Tirana di Chiara Compostella; Note; Didascalie.